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Share your Story
It always makes us happy to see people wearing our custom printed t-shirts or a trophy we engraved on their office desk. Submit a photo with one of your custom Geiger products!
Geiger Awards is happy to offer the opportunity for you to share your successful experiences with our products. We welcome your testimonial. Geiger Awards will not use your message (text, photographs, video, etc.) in any business advertisement or product promotion. Geiger Awards may edit your testimony to correct for errors in spelling or grammar. We may also remove content which others might find objectionable or possibly offensive. You agree not to post any personally identifiable information about any individual or business unless you have the consent of the person or authorized agent for the business. You warrant to Geiger Awards that you have the permission to post the name or likeness of any individual or business. If the individual is under 18, or subject to guardianship, then you warrant you have the permission of that person’s parent or guardian. You understand that the website is the property of Geiger Awards and Geiger Awards may remove any posted content at any time and for any reason. Geiger Awards does not pay for testimonial content and does not need to pay you or anyone else any compensation for the removal of the content. You assume the responsibility for content and will indemnify Geiger Awards and hold Geiger Awards harmless for any claim for damages brought against Geiger Awards in connection with your content, including cost of defense and reasonable attorney fees. By clicking the submit button below, you attest that you agree with the terms stated above.